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Moment Motors Tour

February 10, 2024 9:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

On January 24, CCMGC members visited Moment Motors in South Austin for an informative and interesting tour. Moment Motors, started by Marc Davis in 2017, converts classic cars to fully electric operation. Marc explained that they begin with highly restored cars and laser map the engine bay, trunk, and (sometimes) interior. That data is then used to design electric motor placement and, more importantly, the number and placement of batteries to be installed. As Marc says, it’s a case of “more batteries, more range,” but also more weight, so suspension modifications are the norm.

Marc pointed out that the high cost of conversion makes relatively low-cost cars like our MGs unlikely candidates. The cars we saw included older Mercedes SLs, Porsche 911s, a Jag E-Type Coupe and an Austin Healy 3000. They were also working on a beautiful 63 Corvette Split Window.

Depending on needs (and budget), Moment can make the car direct-drive with just an electric motor and no transmission, or they can attach the motor to the existing transmission.

The shifter on several of the direct-drive cars had been changed to a panel with just three buttons: park, forward and reverse. 

After the tour, most of the club members attending went to a nearby taqueria for a nice lunch and great conversation.

Thanks to Henry Reynolds and Joe Vining for organizing this outing and to Marc Davis for sharing his expertise!

--Article submitted by Eric Van Note; photos submitted by Scott Hardy, Joe Vining, and Eric Van Note


Capital City MG Club

771 Founders Ridge

Dripping Springs, TX 78620


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